Thursday, June 21, 2012

Why Wait; Live Your Life Now

I was let go from my job in January of this year. It has now been about 6 months and I have learned so much about myself, my friends, and others I have come in contact with during that time. In February I finally joined facebook to promote this blog, and it has undoubtedly been one of the best decisions of my life. I have reconnected with so many old friends that I did not keep in touch with over the years who I really had fun with growing up. What I realized is that the connections to these friends are still very much the same now. Although our lives have changed due to careers, marriages, divorces, and locations, our personalities and likenesses have remained the same. The most ironic thing I have noticed is that we are all at that point in our lives where we just want to spread our wings and fly. What I mean is that for whatever reason; probably because of what we are taught, when you are young, we have a tendency to choose the more logical path. I know that's what I did. I always enjoyed theater in high school and started out in college somewhat going in that direction. I always knew that I wanted to be involved in some way. While working a summer job before starting at ODU I met an older woman who was very unhappy in her long time marriage, but could not leave her husband due to financial constraints. I realized that I never wanted to be in that position during my life. I knew I was good in math and english, and decided to pursue a career in accounting., knowing that it would support me financially and I would never have to depend on anyone but myself. It was by far the best decision I could have made at the time, and has been very good to me for the last 29 years. I was able to start at the bottom after graduating with a BA in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting, and ultimately became a CPA. I climbed the ladder year after year, and job after job, to finally land that job I had always hoped for. I could never have done the job without my years of experience in different positions, with different companies, and dealing with some of the most colorful characters. I had years of career, and life experiences.

I am now at a crossroads in my life. It is my time to do what I want to do. I have been divorced and single for the last 18 years. Wow, that sounds like a long time. I am in the process of selling my house as the kids are gone, and moving to Florida,where I have wanted to go for many years. I have chosen my new career path which I will start after I move, but has gone hand in hand with the premise for this blog: HEALTH AND WELLNESS. I can hardly wait. The best part of the last 6 months has been reconnecting with my old friends from this area and realizing that we have not changed inside. We all want to get back to what we want to do. One of my friends is singing in a band, while my other friend is getting ready to perform in local theater. They still have their full time jobs for now but they have reconnected with their innermost passions. I am so excited for them, and even more excited for myself. I also realize that I do not want to spend the rest of my life alone, and very much want to fall in love again, and find that special someone to spend the rest of my life with.

As part of this life transforming process, I have also opened myself up to so many new things; golf, writing, travel, and the ultimate for me: HEALTH AND WELLNESS. Feeling good inside and realizing what I need to do to enhance that is the seed of all things. I truly believe that eating well, exercising, sleeping enough, and enjoying life to the fullest is definitely the key to a long, happy life. I almost forgot to mention that I have been seeing a therapist for the last year, in an effort to help me deal with some anger issues surrounding some unforeseen circumstances. This has been such a wonderful enhancement to my life, and has taught me to look at life much more positively (the glass really is half full), as well as my approach to all people, issues, and life as a whole. I am much more accepting of others and their lives, and have learned to only deal with what I can control, and leave the rest behind. I should have done this years ago but I can only look forward at this point. If you are having issues in your life that you are not happy with, and can't figure out what direction to go in, I highly recommend finding the right professional and seeking help. It is AMAZING, and will change your life.

Check out this video and keep these lyrics in your heart.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Enjoy Your Exercise; Realize Your Limitations

Wow, it's been a while since I have been here, but I am ready to get back to it. So sorry it's taken me so long but here goes. A few articles back I started talking about trying new forms of exercise in an effort to branch out of my comfort zone. I went to a Zumba class at the Y that I thought was for beginners. WRONG!! It was actually a regular Zumba class, but the instructor was so nice and really made me feel comfortable. It was a blast!! I am not the most coordinated, so the steps were my main focus, and I probably did not experience the exercise portion of the hour as much as I had hoped. I still had sooo much fun as it was like going to a dance for an hour. The different types of music (latin, carribean, indian/bollywood), along with the different moves, and steps were amazing, and I kept up better than I thought. I knew this would be something I would continue, and if I wanted to really get the benefits I would have to keep coming to get used to the steps and be able to experience the whole process. The ladies in the class were so supportive and friendly, and they assured me that it would get easier each time. It was a wonderful experience. A couple of weeks later my daughter came home from her cruise job and she convinced me to go back with her as she had been going to classes on the ship, and was interested in becoming an instructor. She started going everyday to different Y locations in our area that the girls recommended. They could see that she was good at it, and really enjoyed it. I went a couple of times a week and started getting more familiar with the steps, which enabled me to really let go and feel the music. I felt great after every class, and couldn't wait to go back.

I was also interested in trying hot yoga but was a little concerned about the heat being too much. My hot flashes are pretty much under control but extreme heat still brings them on. I bought a groupon for 10 sessions at Chesapeake Hot Yoga. They have a light and warm class so I decided to start there and see how I fared with that level of heat before jumping in full force. It was hot but bearable. The yoga itself was more difficult than I thought it would be due to the extreme stretching that I was totally not used to. I had been to a yoga class at the Hindu temple which was more meditation and yoga. This was all yoga stretches. I felt good afterwards, and was a bit sore the next day or so but was determined to go back and push thru the pain. I went to 3 classes in a week and a half. It was not getting any easier, and each time there was a different instructor so the workout was constantly changing. I was also doing Zumba in between, and racquetball on the weekend. By the next week my sciatic nerve was KILLING me. Constant hip pain going down my leg. I realized that I had overdone my exercise and would have to stop some activities. I should have stopped everything but no, not me. I am invincible, or so I thought. This had to be a result of taking 3 yoga classes in a week and a half and not taking a day off from everything here and there. What was I thinking!! I finally decided to stop all activity other than walking, to let things heal and get back to normal. It has now been about 3 weeks and the pain is not going down my leg anymore but I still have hip pain when sitting and laying. I went to the doctor last week and he put me on a steroid pack for a week which I will start today, as I was in Myrtle Beach for the weekend playing golf, and didn't want to deal with the possible side effects. I am fine standing, walking, and playing golf, of course. I will slowly add my activities back this week to get back to a normal routine but I have learned, once again, that I need a break in between heavy exercise for at least a day to let my body recover. I am not 20 anymore, even though I think I am.

The point of this article: let your body rest and recover when trying new things, and realize your limitations. I always feel great after my heavier exercising, but I always feel the pain the next day. Your body needs time to recover and rebuild, and constant pounding and pushing on your  muscles is not the answer, especially if you are older. I realize that racquetball has taken a big toll on my body for the last 16 years, and now I must let myself heal when trying new things. Listen to your body, and it will tell you what you should or shouldn't do. Never stop exercising, but like I always say: EVERYTHING IN MODERATION!!

Still Recovering