For years I have wanted to volunteer for the Meals on Wheels program which delivers meals to seniors through Jewish Family Service. I finally decided that this was the time since I am in between careers and actually have the time. At first I was just delivering the meals without much communication due to caretakers answering the door, or not much interest. I still felt good about what I was doing, knowing that this was a much needed service, and I was really helping out. I did spend an afternoon helping a blind woman go thru her mail and pay her bills. She was convinced we would not get through the two large piles of mail but I assured her we would, and we did, as well as paying the bills, and addressing the envelopes. It took a couple of hours but she was so appreciative and happy to have taken care of all of it. I can't tell you how good it made me feel to help her out and feel that immense sense of satisfaction. It was a feeling like none I've ever had.
More recently I have been delivering to two older men who live alone. My first week with my "newbies", I was invited in to sit down, although I did not, due to having many deliveries that day and wanting to get to everyone on time. The next week I decided I needed to make time to visit with them if that's what they wanted. My first delivery is a 91 year old man who lives in a house alone as his wife has died. I have been spending more and more time with him each week, and the conversations are getting more and more diverse and comfortable. We are learning about each others interest and it is such an exercise of self awareness for both of us. I realize how much he appreciates me spending time with him, and I am appreciating the fact that he is so intelligent and has so many interest things to share. He continuously comments about how much food he is getting and how his freezer is getting full. He only gets two meals a week, however he also goes out and cooks for himself as this is what he did in the service years ago. I keep telling him that he is not eating enough but I have stopped now, finally realizing that he does not eat the way he used to. He is very open to my opinions, and general tone, and lets me know that he really likes the way I look at things, and appreciates my overall intelligence and reasoning. I mentioned that he should call and have the meals delivered every other week to avoid the overage in his freezer but he immediately realized that I would not be coming every other week and I noticed the disappointment. This was quite an eye opener for me, and I let him know that I would stop by every week to spend time with him with or without meals. This made him very happy and completely warmed my heart.
My next "newbie" was not home for the first two weeks I delivered so I was told to just come in and leave the food. I didn't think people still left there doors unlocked anymore but they do, and it seems to be ok, depending on where you live. The third week I came in the house and he was there. The cutest little man with the best personality. He was so excited to see me he asked to hug and kiss me immediately. I was a bit overwhelmed but took it in stride and just went with it. He quickly asked me in for coffee and to lunch but he was my last delivery and I had other errands to run and people to meet. He gave me his card to call him and asked for my phone number after many complements about my personality and overall aura. I made it clear that we could go to lunch the next week as friends, not knowing what he was thinking, and he let me know that he was old enough to be my grandfather, which gave me a sense of relief. The next week as I pulled up to his house he was sitting outside waiting for me and immediately got in the car. We went to lunch and he made friends with everyone in the restaurant. I found out he was a Psychologist, and had lived alone for many years after divorcing. He constantly complemented me about my looks and bubbly personality, and wondered why I was not married or dating, or as he put it " why has no one scooped you up, they must be crazy. You are such a wonderful woman." We went to lunch again this week, even though he had just gotten back from lunch. I told him it was not necessary but he wanted to spend some time with me and I couldn't say no. I am really enjoying his company as he is very smart, quick, and wity, and loves to talk to everyone. He has called me a couple of times to give me what he calls "useless information" and all I can do is laugh. I honestly can't wait to see what he will do or say next, and I am enjoying his company so much.
This has been such a wonderful addition to my life, and I look forward to it more and more each week. During the election I volunteered at the Democratic headquarters, and that was well worth it per the outcome of the election. Once again, another self satisfying use of my time. I can't tell you how much these seniors need company and appreciate having people visit and spend time with them. If you have time to help with this organization, or just to visit nursing homes, or help out at other senior centers around town, I guarantee you will be a welcome addition to others lives, as well as having one of the most self satisfying experiences of your life. My destiny becomes clearer each day thru these experiences, and only aids me in my goal of becoming a Certified Health Coach; the journey to a whole and happy life.
Living and Loving Helping Others
Go Out and Volunteer!!!