Tuesday, April 14, 2020

What Is Real

Where do I begin? I realize we are having a crazy pandemic that is very contagious. What I don't understand is what is so different from this and our yearly flu season which kills so many. Yes, we have a vaccine for the flu but it has not proven to be very effective from year to year and strain to strain. Many I know have actually gotten so sick with the flu after the vaccine. This is a Sars type of virus which severely affects your respiratory system. According to the news we have had overcrowded hospitals with lack of PPE supplies, and many deaths. Seems this is all we can report on these days since they have shut most of the world down. As most of you know I am a Holistic Nutrition Coach and very much into alternative methods. Many of the sites that I follow have given quite a different point of view on this situation. I have long realized that our systems of government are completely driven by money and higher purpose. The numbers we are being shown are not very accurate according to the CDC and it is most probable that all viruses are being thrown into this bucket. What is this higher purpose? According to what I have read and watched from my trusted sources there is much agreement that Bill Gates who owns most of the WHO, CDC, NIH, etc is funding a vaccine for this virus and this will be required for all who want to travel and possibly other requirements as well. Also Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx are part of the Bill Gates contingency and stand to benefit financially from this as well. His main purpose, as he has been quite vocal about is vaccines and depopulation. I don't know about you but this scares me to think that we can be forced to take a vaccine that may not be safe and have grave side effects. I have seen some horrific info about the number of deaths that his vaccines have caused in 3rd world countries not to mention the vaccine injuries that happen in this country everyday. Robert Kennedy Exposes Bill Gates

I know that this is very scary for all based on what is being reported everyday all day. I must say the media is doing a great job keeping everyone informed and completely on edge. Personally I can only watch but so much. I can't help but think that we have never been this informed about any issue in my lifetime. I hate to be so cynical but I can't help but question everything that we hear. I am now listening to videos from top world epidemiologists and infectious disease doctors about the harm that social distancing can cause and the benefits of building herd immunity especially with children. This is what we do every year with the flu.  There is always a season and many get sick but we also spread the virus so we can build immunity and within 4 weeks it is gone. The numbers are the same but we do not react the way we are now. We are prolonging the virus and surely causing the big chance of a resurgence with social distancing and staying away from each other.

After seeing and hearing both sides of this it is my belief that yes, this is a bad virus (not deadly), that needs to be contained for seniors and those with underlying issues and compromised immune systems.  We should not allow visitors into nursing homes and hospitals, and avoid events with large crowds. Most of us know that if we are sick during a virus season especially that we should stay home as to not infect others and get well.  This has always been the protocol however now it seems that we don't know how to think anymore without referring to the TV and news outlets to tell us what, how and when to do this. Schools should have remained open as well as most businesses. The economic crisis should not have happened. We have caused more of a problem with overloaded unemployment systems and a very large stimulus package just to keep things somewhat manageable.  Everyone is now afraid to get close to anyone and our social lives are changed forever. The lack of socialization and financial burdens are causing depression, anxiety, and increased suicides.  I know this is the way things are but I find it very hard to just accept and move on. Just know that there is a higher purpose here and we may have no control over that unless we unite and fight back in some way. I hope you will investigate more on your own and see my Facebook page if you would like some of the info that I have seen and shared. Please keep an open mind and look in different directions for all the info.

I know that I am trying very hard to stay positive but I miss my life and very much look forward to getting back to socializing with my golf girls, mahjong girls, yoga class and traveling to see my family. I am sure you all feel the same. I wish you all good vibes and lots of love and good health.

Who is Calling The Shots

Keeping it Happy, Healthy, and Safe
Your Nutrition Coach
Susan G

Friday, March 27, 2020

Building Your Immune System For the Future

What is life now? Everything is closed except for essential business; grocery stores, drug stores, restaurants for take out and delivery only. All due to a virus that seems to be all over the world at present. I am a bit baffled at the severity of info that is driving everyone to quarantine, keep social distance, wash hands continuously and avoid any type of germs. I wonder what will be the takeaways from all of this. Will we learn to take better care of ourselves and our health to have stronger immune systems, or will we just continue to be germaphobes, worrying about everyone and everything. The tone and mood is stressful and strange. Now more than ever we must practice mindful meditation, yoga, exercise, deep breathing, and any other kind of activity that increases our endorphins and brings some peace to our lives.  Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key to having a strong immune system. I feel that this has not been publicized enough. We continue to hear about cases and deaths. What they don't talk about is the other underlying conditions that are driving these deaths and continuous respiratory problems, not to mention how many older adults are affected due to other health issues. This happens everyday, even before this virus. There are many reasons people get very sick and to continue to only blame this virus is ridiculous.

I want to focus on building your immune system so it is strong and you have a better ability to fight off these illnesses, and germs. We were raised playing in the dirt and swimming in lakes with fish and turtles. The exposures to dirt is what built our immunities. Now we are dirt and germ free which is not a great recipe for the latter. I know this is just for now and due to this virus but I also wonder how will we continue after this is over. Please focus on keeping yourself healthy and strong by eating lots of veggies, fruits, wild caught fish, grass fed and organic meat and poultry, gluten free grains such as quinoa, millet, kasha, brown rice, nuts and seeds, and healthy fats like avocados, olive oil, goat cheese, hummus, just to name a few things. Stay away or limit dairy such as cheese, milk, yogurt, as it causes inflammation which causes illness and disease. There are great substitutes such as almond, rice, or soy milk and dairy free options. We also need to sleep 7-9 hours each night, stay active during the day and try some intermittent fasting. I have been able to do this by not eating after dinner by 7pm until the next morning around 9. That's a good 14 hours to detox without you even realizing it. I have been doing this since the beginning of January, along with cutting most of my sugar and I feel so much better and lighter.  Dealing with the everyday stress these days is a concern and we must all find ways to handle this. As I said earlier, mindful meditation, relaxation exercises, physical activity, yoga and deep breathing. Also whatever you need as an escape to take your mind off the present situation; limit your news exposure, listen to good music, watch something funny, work on puzzles and games, give back and help others.

My best line of defense is the veggie, fruit, grape and berry, and omegas that I take everyday. This  whole food nutrition has been boosting my immune system, reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, and contributing to my overall health and wellness for the last 7 years. It is my best insurance policy. I also drink a plant based chocolate shake several times a week which is low glycemic and a great snack and meal replacement.  Please watch the video below for more info and let me know if you would be interested in getting started with these amazing healthy whole food gems. We also have a hydroponic growing system called the Tower Garden and you can grow your own produce at home. It's nice to know where your food comes from.

Please take care of yourself and your body so you have the defenses you need to fight anything that may be lurking out there. Try to relax and not stress during this very strange time in our lives and focus on the positives as things will go back to a new normal soon.

Keeping it Happy and Healthy
Your Nutrition Coach
Susan G