It's been a while since I have been here but I am so happy to be back! My life is so different since moving to south Florida and I can hardly believe that 3 and a half years have gone by, but I must admit that it has been a positive move in the right direction for me. Being in a different location after spending your whole life somewhere else is quite an eye opener at first but you do learn to get used to it and focus on the positive, leaving the rest behind. Continuing to travel from coast to coast really puts things in prospective and life is always different visiting/vacationing as opposed to actually living somewhere else. I tend to get so excited about the thought of possibly moving again and starting a different life in a completely new place the moment I get there, but I quickly remember how living here is a 360 from the week long vacations of the past, and it has taken some getting used to. Obstacles such as traffic, cost of living, and the dynamics of the many cultures here quickly take their place and hit you in the face! I do love the diversity of the area, from weather and tropical surroundings to the melting pot of people from all over the world. It seems that you can enjoy the life you want wherever you are as long as you have the right attitude and mindset.
Changing careers from being a CPA to a Holistic Nutrition Coach/Customer Service Manager of a Golf Clothing and Accessory Distributor has helped me move in a more heartfelt direction where I can be true to myself. In other words, my stress level has decreased significantly, eating habits changed completely, and outlook on life is much more positive. I realize the importance of taking good care of myself in order to help others embrace their happiest healthiest versions of themselves. After finishing my health coaching course I realized that I needed to connect with like minded people in the area involved in promoting better health and wellness. I looked for local health fairs, green markets, and events that would lead me in these directions. The continuous exposure to the ever growing health industry of supplements, machines, positions, etc. was overwhelming. I had to listen to my gut when I was exposed to the same nutritional supplement twice in 2 days. It made so much sense to include this in my arsenal of gifts that I could offer to others. I immediately jumped on board and I must say it has been a great ride that I will continue for the remainder of my life. My health coaching course taught me the power of eating a plant based diet, including the rainbow of fruits and veggies and the many benefits of each. Why would I not take 6 capsules with over 30 fruits, veggies, grapes and berries each day as an insurance policy for prevention of disease, and increased daily health. It made so much sense. I had been taking an array of good quality vitamins and supplements everyday but they were so expensive. When I compare what I was spending to my new regime of fruit and veggie capsules, it was a no brainer. Little did I know that this was the best decision of my life. It is hard to explain how good I feel everyday since making this change. I also stopped eating dairy; milk and cheese, which helped my digestion and inflammation so much. Noticeably better hair, skin, nails, and gums, not to mention the increased energy. I have always had reflux and indigestion but did not realize how bad it was until I didn't have it anymore. Occasionally I do eat good quality cheese and creamy sauces and the indigestion and stuffiness hits me like a ton of bricks. I also notice how I crave more veggies and fruits as a result of the increased whole food nutrition intake each day. I truly believe in the power of food as medicine. I use myself as an example, and take it from me, it happens quickly once you make small changes in your diet and exercise routines.
What I am continuing to learn and practice is being present in my life. Enjoying each moment as it comes. Having my parents so close to me so that we can play golf and enjoy meals together on a weekly basis, is priceless, and I am enjoying this so much. I realize that I do want to stay close to them and no matter how many places I visit, I am here to stay as long as they are here. I have built a life in this new place that is happy, healthy, and satisfying. I continue to pursue my many interests within the health and wellness industry; alternative natural treatments for cancer, the many benefits of cannabis, the power of breathing, meditation, and yoga, and the positive results of having a good attitude. Golf is a big part of my life here and my goal is to play at least twice a week. I must give kudos to the EWGA of Fort Lauderdale chapter for enhancing my life and introducing me to so many great new friends, not to mention all the great courses we get to play all the time. I do miss my racquetball community back home but we are all still connected thru Facebook and I do love keeping up with everyone. These are great memories for me and I will keep them close for the rest of my life.
My message to all is to enjoy your life now and be present where you are. I have been talking to my kids about this lately as they embark on new adventures and directions in their lives. Life is learning to appreciate what you have and enjoy each and every moment as if it were your last. Tomorrow is not promised but we always have today, so make the most of it. Hug your loved ones and tell them that you love them every chance you get. Smile at the person walking towards you who may be frowning. Most of the time they will smile back and you could have just made their day. For me it makes my day just to see someone smile back. Life is so short so don't sweat the small stuff and focus on the big stuff. Remember to give back as often as you can. It will come back to you ten fold when you least expect it.
I will see you back here soon!! Love to all and go out and touch as many lives as you can today, including your own!!
Susan G now Feeing Fine After Fifty
Juice Plus